
Posts Tagged ‘photography’


Good evening!

So as many seasoned bloggers know.. and as I am finding out, delicious pictures don’t just happen. You know the pictures I am talking about; the ones that make you salivate. The soft light, the colorful vegetables jumping off the screen, basically the pictures you wish you could taste. I have always been interested in taking pictures. I try my best at taking artistic, interesting pictures, but more often than not, I either fail miserably, or produce a great shot.. One. Great. Shot. I can’t seem to get down the aperture, focus, exposure… and the list goes on. This is yet another reason why I have decided to blog. I want to take great pictures. I want to produce the type of photos that make you want to lick the screen.

You may ask yourself, where is this post going? It is going right into a delicious meal, that did not have the most appealing photo finish. Tonight, I made Susan V’s Gardener’s pie  found at http://blog.fatfreevegan.com/2008/05/skillet-gardeners-pie.html. It was so yummy, and super easy to make, but my pictures did not turn out as tasty as the dish.. SO forgive me, I am working on it! Without further stalling, I give you a slightly modified version of the Gardener’s pie.

Making Gardener's Pie

I omitted the spinach since I didn’t have any on hand, and added zucchini, a chili pepper, and used fingerlings potatoes for the mash. Next time I make this, I am going to use the concept, and probably do a sweet potato mash with a southwestern filling, I’m thinking corn, tomatoes, jalapeño, and whatever else I can think of!

The not so pleasing photo

That’s a mini bread roll peaking out the back.. I made it from leftover pizza crust and herbs.. Perfect for sopping up all the yummy sauce! I am so glad I have leftovers.. I few minutes in my toaster oven, and this baby is ready to go! Oh and while I am at it, I should mention. You will not be finding anything microwaved on this blog… I like to enjoy my food, and that means the process in making it too! So, for Vegan MoFo day2, that’s all! G’Night!

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